The Eclectic Homeschooling style is one in which the parents pick a chose various curriculums and resources from a number of places, aren’t tied to anyone style, and often customize what is being learned in the home by whatever the parent plans and directs. The flexibility within eclectic homeschooling is great as they aren’t tied to any one curriculum and can bounce around and not be tied down to a text book. Costs can be less with eclectic homeschooling can also be much less than those who use a specific curriculum as anything can be used to learn – library books, used books, the Bible, or whatever the parents decide. As such there really isn’t any curriculum I can share – anything could make a good curriculum for the eclectic homeschooler. I would imagine used homeschool curriculum sales are a favorite place for the eclectic homeschooling family to find possible options for the year. Eclectic homeschooling does leave more responsibility on the parents to make sure the children are learning all that should be learned and creating a well rounded education.
If you have trouble staying focused on any one curriculum or find yourself wanting to create your own curriculum that is special tailored to your children then perhaps the eclectic style of homeschooling would be a perfect fit for you. I would not recommend a first year homeschool family try the eclectic style. Having a couple years experience with another style and/or curriculum would give you a good grasp at what you do and don’t like, how your children best learn, and what you would want in your eclectic homeschool.
The eclectic style of homeschooling is certainly one worth looking into when picking what curriculum you want to use with your family and could be a great option for those who want a homeschool that is very out of the box!